
This is my National Novel Writing Month Novel. National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) is in November, and during it, a bunch of crazy writers try (and often succeed) in writing 50,000 semi-coherant words in the month of November. It's tough, but it's definately worth it.
This will be updated daily, at least during November, and I hope it's interesting enough. Please comment if you want.
I hope you enjoy this Novel. It's fantasy, and about a girl named Lexie. Here's an exerpt.
Lexie wasn’t shy, but she was quiet, so she didn’t go over to talk to the new girl who looked so exotic. It turned out that she didn’t need to. The new girl came right over during the time when the parents talked.
“Hello,” she said boldly. “I’m Kiho. Who are you?”
“I’m Alexandra Athena Dulcinia,” Lexie responded. At that point, she was still proud of her long name. Kiho’s eyes widened.
“Is that really your name?”
“Of course it is!” Lexie laughed. “Isn’t it beautiful?” She looked sidelong at Kiho, to see how she would react. Kiho was still surprised. “I’m allowed to say it’s beautiful, because I didn’t choose it, so I’m not being vain. If my mother says it’s beautiful to everyone, she really is being vain, because she did it.”
“What do people call you, then?” Kiho asked curiously. “That’s a long name for all the time. You must have a working name. For everyday.”
“Oh, people call me Lexie. Except when my parents are mad at me, then they say the whole thing. It sounds grand. And my Aunt Zelda calls me Athena a lot. She likes that name.”